On the 3rd of July it was finally time to toe the line at the inaugural Challenge Aarhus of 2011 – a half distance triathlon with 1km swim, 90km bike, 21,1km run. Months of training with hours of training per week was about to climax in what I hoped would be less than six hours of triathlon activity. Swim had …
Challenge Aarhus 2011: Pre Race Report
After signing up back in December of 2010 triathletes have spent most of the spring of 2011 training for the half iron distance Challenge Aarhus – many of them for the first time. The race was to take place in the city of Aarhus with a swim in the bay, a bike ride to the scenic South of Aarhus, and finally a half marathon through the city of Aarhus, which also happens to be my Danish home city – hence why I had to be part of the inaugural event!
Set Conservative Goals !
When you set your goals, set them conservatively – not boldly! Don’t over-reach – make sure to be realistic and avoid pushing yourself too far!
Training Camp Luxembourg
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYxFfaKOOsQ&w=425&h=349]Towards the end of April we spent some time in Luxembourg. The country has some of the most beautiful nature I have ever experienced, and I took the opportunity to get in some training. At this stage Challenge Aarhus is just two months away, so I should really start to have the fitness for the distance. Only thing left …
Where is “Jakob’s Tri Training”?
Jakob’s Tri Training is a self-hosted blog related to Triathlon, Running, Cycling, Swimming training and general Mind and Body fitness. Go to http://thusgaard.com and dive into the training logs. Enjoy!
Road to Challenge Aarhus: Can You Do It?
In this post I’ll cover learning and observations from a self-supported half ironman. I’ll relate it to the time I train and share what I plan to improve at the Challenge Aarhus half ironman triathlon in July 2011. I think one of the most intimidating aspects of endurance sports on longer courses is the question that pops up every now …
Road to Challenge Aarhus: Nailing 70.3 Nutrition?
Yesterday evening I spent some time trying to get my nutrition for the upcoming self-supported 70.3 half ironman triathlon on 16/4 right. It’s a pretty tricky calculation when you’ve never done it before. As ever so often with these kinds of things, I set up a Google Doc spreadsheet to help out with the numbers. As previously explained I’ve never …
Road to Challenge Aarhus: Self-supported Half Ironman
This week is going to be mostly about getting ready for the self-supported half ironman distance triathlon I’ll be doing on Saturday 16/4 as prep to do Challenge Aarhus. You can join the event on Endomondo. Yes, it really is a triathlon even if Endomondo lists it as “other”. Also join the event on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=124035681003753. If you’re in Amsterdam, Netherlands …
Road to Challenge Aarhus: March Training in Review
What a month. After February I had a few things to get working on and in March I have definitely moved closer to half ironman fitness. One of the things that all endurance athletes struggle with is time. After February I figured that adding 10 minutes per training would take the training volume up by about an hour on a …
Road to Challenge Aarhus: February in Review
And that’s the end of February. From a training standpoint and getting ready for Challenge Aarhus in July I’m not sure it was a good month at all. I am 100% sure that the next 4 months have to be a lot better for me to be reasonably comfortable at the start of Challenge Aarhus. Let me try to break …
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