Sports goals for 2007: Overview

2007 is over and so the goal of training 144 hours was missed by about 7 hours. More or less equal to what Martin and I did not manage to do due to illness in our cycling training camp on Mallorca, Spain. So with 137 training hours in 2007 the goal for 2008 becomes 137 + 20% = 164,4. I’ll …

Broken Wrist Update

So, since last time I wrote a few things have happened. One of the things that always happen around end of July is the end of the fiscal year at Cisco. This is a big thing and certainly requires a lot of extra effort. This year even more so, as I broke my wrist in an accident at the beginning …

Cycling TV Online

I absolutely have to make a quick post about this! Cycling TV is now online 24/7 at This is amazing – I’ve been waiting for this since I first came online !! Enjoy ! [tags]Cycling,TV,Cykling,Internet,Streaming TV, Streaming [/tags]

110.000 Kms by Bicycle in 6 Years

In 1997 Herb van Drongelen went on a daring adventure. He took his bike down the narrow stairs of his Amsterdam home and started 6 years of cycling around the World. Earlier today we went to De Cantine in Amsterdam to see his exhibition. Just an outstanding, fantastic, fascinating exhibition. [tags]Herb van Drongelen, Cycling, Travel, Adventure, Around the World[/tags]