So, we’re busy planning everything that should take place while in China. We try to imagine what it will be like, which is difficult, and we try to prep for all sorts of scenarios. Some of the challenges we will undoubtedly meet are:
– no speaky Inglesh!
– don’t accept !
– finding accommodation along the route
– finding food
But all plans are coming along nicely and eventually a full plan and all documentation will be available here on the site !
Comments 4
Cool BLOG – and I wish you the best of luck! (It rimes) 🙂
Well some of the challenges that you won’t meet:
– getting lost at the wall!
– bjarne RICE trying to get a haircut!
– china-ppl lOOking at you!
– Big Mac or Wobber dilemma!
Great blog – I’m not envious at all!
Have a seriously fantastic trip! 😉
Hartstikke interessant, leuk om te zien waar jullie heen gaan..veel plezie met de rest van de organisatie tschüss… mama
Keep the site up to date 🙂