Training Log August 2012

The second month in the new training regimen was to be immediately disrupted by summer vacation in August+September. As a result the total training time for August is not even close to that of July, but still much, much higher than any previous months in 2012.

It was holiday for half of the month, which makes it a bit difficult for me to pull much out of these numbers. Here’s the full status from August with a few thoughts for September:

  • Swimming pace increased along with swim efficiency = Awesome. Looks like all that time in the pool is paying off slowly. I mainly did so much swimming because Vejle Fjordsvøm was coming up. I went there with family and very much enjoyed the whole experience. Eventually placed 83rd our of 299 male finishers – not too shabby for a non-swimmer and I’m pretty happy about that too!
    Finally the shoulder issue I spoke about in the training log for July has disappeared!
  • Running: Even if I had less run sessions than in July I did run about half an hour more and almost 5km more. Average distance is increasing – that’s good!
    In addition I further improved my 5K time (by 8 seconds – not much but it all counts) – and I did my first 10K since September 2011. All good progress. Still struggling with a nagging injury in the calf. Hitting myself over the head for being stupid enough to train through it !
  • Bike: Further improvement of time on distances 20km and 50km. To further improve this I’ll get a Retül bike sitting position fit test done in September to see if I can improve the way I sit. Really regret having bought a race bike instead if a pure triathlon bike !

After July I wanted to do a few things in August. Here’s how that went:

  • Running: Haven’t done any track work yet.
  • Continued to use time trials and Strava when running and cycling. The leaderboards are such a motivator !
  • Swimming: High-elbow pull is working well for me. In fact I think it probably helped take care of the injury in my shoulder. And it made me faster !
  • Didn’t manage to sleep much more… 🙁
  • Didn’t get the sports medical test done. It’s now scheduled for October.
For those who care, here are the numbers:
  • Total duration: 15 hours, 53 seconds trained – down from 24 hours, 12 minutes in July;
  • Swim:
    • 8 workouts – down from 11 in July;
    • Total duration: 4 hours, 47 minutes – down from 6 hours, 36 minutes in July;
    • SWOLF score dropped about 2 points from 42 to 40;
    • Average pace: Increased from just under 2 min/100m to just above 1:50 min/100m;
    • Total distance: 13,3km – down from 17,15km in July
  • Bike:
    • 2 workouts – down from 9 workouts in July;
    • Total duration: 3 hours, 20 minutes – down from 11 hours, 26 minutes in July;
    • Average speed: 30,83km/h – up from 29,01 km/h in July;
    • Total distance: 103km – down from 332km in July.
  • Run:
    • 11 workouts – down from 13 workouts in July;
    • Total duration: 6 hours, 35 minutes – UP from 6 hours, 9 minutes in July;
    • Average pace: 5:32 min/km – up from 5:33 min/km in July;
    • Total distance: 71,43 km – UP from 66,74km in July.

That’s it – time to move on.

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