Sports goals for 2007: Overview

2007 is over and so the goal of training 144 hours was missed by about 7 hours. More or less equal to what Martin and I did not manage to do due to illness in our cycling training camp on Mallorca, Spain.

So with 137 training hours in 2007 the goal for 2008 becomes 137 + 20% = 164,4. I’ll round that up to 165 hours, and I’ll make a 2008 training goal shortly on that.

The other goal for 2007 was to run a marathon: Successfully did this by completing the Amsterdam Marathon in October.

Happy New Year.

See more progress on: Train 144 Hours in 2007

Comments 1

  1. Bastards 2008 sports goals:
    – To NOT lift 4500 pcs old roof tiles from roof to ground
    – To NOT lift 1300m old “lægter” from roof to ground
    – To NOT lift 1300m new lægter” (T1) from ground to roof
    – To NOT lift 5500 pcs new roof tiles from ground to roof
    – To NOT lift and install 200m2 of outside wood siding using weatherboards and 2000 pcs 80mm stainless steel screws
    – To NOT dig and move 20m3 of dirt using shovel and wheelbarrow
    – To NOT hammer down any more inside walls and move brick/cement/concrete debris using shovel/wheelbarrow and trailer
    – Finish up on “loose ends” from misc. house projects
    – To mow 1800 m2 lawn at least once per week
    – To finish painting the weatherboards (missing 30%)
    – To maybe install a new bathroom
    – To install the solar heating for the pool so we can have a summer pool party barbecue

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