Denmark Online Groups: Weekly round-up, week 19

The most recent update to the online groups featuring content about Denmark, Danes or Danish has been posted at For frequent readers of this weekly publishing, you may notice a change in format. Groups have been re-grouped to focus on readers’ areas of interest. You should now find it easier to find a group the fits your specific interests.
Now on to the report.

Notable developments include:

  • Danmark Unlimited (Xing-based): is still #1
  • DABGO – the Danish largest Danish expat network – outgrew Danmark Unlimited by 10 new members and is still #2.
  • It was a good week for Danish online groups. The looser of the week was DABGO North America, which lost only 3 members.
  • The fastest growing country for the Danes Abroad Business Group Online (DABGO) was Belgium for the 2nd week in a row, which gained 4 members.
  • Most growth was achieved by the “Danmark” group on LinkedIn with an impressive 28 new members.
  • Highest percentage growth was achieved by the “Danmark” sub-group “Expats in Denmark” which increased by 60%.

Head over to for more details.

During week 18 we saw the following activity in the Danmark group and subgroups:

  • Discussion on bringing up multilingual children continued on “Expats in Denmark“;
  • A few people got removed from the network for spamming the group and the members – keeping it clean;
  • Busy week on the jobs page at the main Danmark group: 14 new, legitimate posts – good luck in finding your jobs here!

Your ideas, comments and criticism are welcome. You can find me on twitter here, you can start a discussion in the Danmark group, or you can comment here on the page.

Have an excellent week!

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