Day 13: Huangyaguan: Cleaning Bikes and Walking the Wall

Bei Dai He, 01/10/2005 at 23:00

Day 13: Huangyaguan: Cleaning Bikes and Walking the Wall

With the mud layers from the flood crossing between Chengde and Yingshouing still on the bikes, this day was perfect for a heavily needed cleaning job. Both bikes were washed completely, re-oiled and had the tires pumped to close to maximum – ready for a new ride and then eventually parked in our room, while we took a long walk on the Wall. Luckily it was much less foggy and the view from the Wall was great. On the last part of our hike, Jakob managed to leave a lasting impression on the Wall. Concrete workers working to restore the stairs had put wet concrete in the gaps between some of the stones. Jakob accidently stepped in the concrete and thus left an impression which will have tourists wondering for decades.

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