Danmark LinkedIn group invites – meetup 24/9/2010 in Copenhagen

The “Danmark” group meetup is about to happen! Mark your calendar for 24th of September 2010 at 18:00 CET. Membership of “Danmark” not required!!
Where: Brewpub (the patio is reserved for “Danmark”), Vestergade 29, 1456 København (Copenhagen)
When: 24th of September 2010 at 18:00 CET
Who: Anyone of the more than 3300 members are invited, but also any other individual or group with an interest in Denmark, Danes, or Danish.
What will happen?: As usual with the “Danmark” group the playing field is very wide as long as you focus on the topic. First and foremost, though, this is an informal opportunity to meet with other group members, expats and native Danes alike.
This will be an excellent opportunity to meet with some of the individuals you have discussed with in or and other forums over the years.
For more information on Brewpub, go to http://brewpub.dk or search Google Maps in Copenhagen for the precise location. Also go to the “Danmark” group on LinkedIn with all your questions!: http://bit.ly/dklink.

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