Beijing: Yes, we’re here !

After a long flight with way too little space and way to little sleep we have arrived in Beijing. Of course it was very interesting for us to see if the bikes had taken the same trip as us – preferrably in one piece. At Beijing Airport we found all of our luggage including the bikes. The luggage was fine and only the protection that we had put on the bikes was damaged. Besides from a few scratches we think that the bikes are fine.

When we first got on the plane it was a bit of a dissapointment to have been given two middle seats – even in the middle row. And at below middle size… It’s quite difficult to sleep in spots like that. We flew with China Southern Airlines, and we suspect that Boeing has probably constructed this plane on special order to fit the Chinese people!

Shortly before the start we met Mikkel, the husbond of Lisbeth, one of Jakob’s former colleagues at Cisco. He was by accident located in the seat immediately behind Jakob. Very weird! Mikkel by the way also happens to be a former inhabitant of Nyborg, Denmark – like Jakob…
He was on his way to a training in Beijing, and we had a bit of a talk about how he and Lisbeth were doing, and about this and that in general.

At Beijing Airport, the taxi driver was already waiting for us at the arrival, eagerly waving a sign with our names, which made it difficult to recognize the names on the board. He recognized us because of the bikes. He took us straight to the hotel – through the mayhem which is Beijing traffic. Nobody breaks for noone here, they honk a lot and here little men with red flags, whistles and big hats are trying to control the traffic. They see of course that they are failing and limit themselves to fiercely control the pedestrian traffic…

At 14.00 local time we were check in at the Ha De Mem Hotel. Time to pack out, shower, put bikes together and then get out on the street.

We went in direction of the Tian An Men square, but instead of going to the square we chose to go for something to eat. It took us quite a while to get there as we had to get ourselves a mobile number. The mobile number was a specific challenge in that nobody here seems to speak any English. We were really finding the words from the Lonely Planet books that we had with us, and with a few hand signs and the 5 words of English that the salesman knew we finally ended up with a mobile number. We even tried to negotiate a discount…

The rest of the way towards the square we took the time to look at the life in the street. People getting their hair cut, people selling all sorts of food, which we wouldn’t even know HOW to start eating, bike repair shops on the sidewalk, and all the time these traditional Chinese lamps in between the moderne skyscrapers and commercials.

People are looking at us, and especially Jolanda wished she would have put on a pair of long trousers instead of the shorts. Apparently girls in shorts is not really normal. Can’t wait to get into the bike outfit….
Maybe we also stick out basically by looking different, taller, blonder, different colour of eyes, etc.

We managed to eat dinner with sticks this evening. We don’t really know what exactly we got, but are pretty sure that we will be better at choosing the right things in the future. This was not really the most succesful evening meal we’ve ever had.

Now we’re super tired and want to go to bed. It’s now 20.10 here in the evening, it’s dark outside and we slept three hours each last night.
We’ll see how it goes tonight. The beds are stiff as bricks, so it’ll be another new experience.

Comments 4

  1. Amazing – and how very kind of You to give us a good description of your journey and an insight of your experience! I cant wait to read your next blog, and I’m so happy for you! Hope to see some pictures in future blogs – even though it’s using credits on your mobile uplink 🙂

  2. Very nice Jakob and Jolanda,

    Your site looks very nice! I have signed up to stay updated during this challenging trip. I hope the wheather stays good enough to bike.
    Do u already speak some Chinese?
    2 of my fellow students are also in China at the moment. School is paying for most of it. They are in Shanghai.
    Last Friday, I have been to Cologne with school to visit a fair. We have to redesign a baby stroller. People from a factory in China (Goodbaby) will be there. They will come to NL (Hogeschool Rotterdam) by Monday to see our first designs. If they like it, they might even produce some of them. We have to present it to them on Monday. This contact has been made last school year by 2 of our professors.

    Well, good luck with this challenging trip.

    Hope to hear all your stories when u get back. Then we have to meet up with the 4 of us.



    PS I bought myself a mountainbike!!!!!! But I am not that crazy to go biking for 750kms!!!!!

  3. Great! I hoped to have contact with you Thursday but asking switch board for a “line out” for private talk might cause unpleasant remarks from my employer. Besides, I was a little “hung up” between work and (late) radio therapy the latter being carried out with great delay Thursday of all days. So, I was happy to hear from Mormor that you’d called her shortly before take-off. By the way, my cell phone is in half-coma after the washing machine treatment. I think I shall buy a new one tomorrow. Got your message on the phone – will call you soon. Right now you’ll probably be fast asleep, I hope. Cool with the time link on your site – as well as everything else!

    Good luck – have fun – enjoy the fantastic trip!



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