First Marathon – one week to go!

Amsterdam Marathon 2007 is currently not far away – not far away at all. In fact it struck me a bit earlier today that my first marathon is just a week away and I should be preparing right this very moment.

And I guess that I’ve been running (most of) my kilometers, I’m quitting all alcohol for a two-week period, trying to get my sleep and save as much energy as I can. The run on Sunday will be the longest until the run and it will be just 8-10 kilometers. Should be good.

Still, you never know. Running buddy Gavin told today that he’s physio has grounded him and
from participating in the race. Even when you’ve timed your training almost perfectly it seems that just a little bad luck towards the end can put a premature end to all the hard work… I hope my legs will be able to carry me another 50-60 kilometers and then it’s maybe time for some post-race depression before the next big thing.

Today I got a marketing pack from the race organisation. Now I’m going through all the material and studying the route and feeling like there’s a long way to the start and endless kilometers to the finish!


Comments 2

  1. Herligt projekt Jakob, det kommer til at gå godt. Husk dog at gemme lidt kræfter til de sidste par hundrede meter – det der spurten skal sættes ind.

    Syntes du er sej, beundrer din beslutning,

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